WorkFlow is the best AdobeSign alternative

Choose the best tool for your E-Signature Software processes. See how automation solutions like WorkFlow and AdobeSign help you streamline E-Signature Software document workflows.
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Turn document busywork into automated workflows using airSlate

Take a look at the chart below to see how airSlate compares to AdobeSign.
This chart represents a partial list of features available in airSlate, AdobeSign. AdobeSign
Signing order
Certificate of completion
In person signing
Embedded signing Extra cost
Fully automated signing process
Conditional signing process Extra cost
Audit log of the signing process
Send documents for e-signature
Send documents via link
Workflow Automation
Workflow library
End-to end multi-cloud workflow automation
No-code automation bots
No-code archive bots
Custom workflow routing
Robotic process automation
Expiration for process
Accept payments
Recipient attachments
Bulk send
Redirect to external link
Native Integrations
Pre-fill documents with data from Salesforce, GSuite, Office 365 via no-code integrations
Extract data from documents to CRM, GSuite, Office365 via no-code integrations
No-code integration bots
Custom integrations with no-code bots
Native integrations for your needs (on-demand)
Templates Authoring
Adding fillable fields to PDF files
Template fields
Conditional fields
Formula fields
Actionable fields
Field validation
In Editor comments
PDF editing
PDF annotations
Redlining documents
Reusable templates
Advanced recipient authentication Extra cost
Web form builder
Built-in Contract Negotiation
Contract lifecycle management
Advanced multi-cloud document generation
Document authoring and collaboration
Role based document access
Role based field access
Workspace and team management
Multiple workspaces
Custom branding
Organization administration
User management
User and access control
Recipient permissions
No-code reminders and notifications
File sharing with teammates
Security and compliance
HIPAA compliance
Audit trail
No-code workflow analytics setup
Custom reports
Native mobile applications
Want to see more features?

Choose a better solution

Switch from AdobeSign to airSlate in 4 easy steps

Step 1 illustration
Step 1
Register for free using your email, Google, or Facebook account
Step 2 illustration
Step 2
Create your own workspace and invite teammates
Step 3 illustration
Step 3
Build your first digital workflow and add automation with no-code Bots
Step 4 illustration
Step 4
Seamlessly integrate with all your cloud services

Let’s get started!

Tell us a bit about yourself and what you would like to achieve. We will contact you shortly to discuss your goals.
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"We were looking for E-Signature Software. We have found the right solution for the request for alternative for adobe sign workflow automation..."
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Dane Green Sr.

Enterprise‑grade security and compliance

airSlate is committed to protecting your sensitive information by complying with global industry‑leading security standards.
Security overview
GDPR compliance
Regulates the use and storage of personal data belonging to EU residents.
SOC 2 Type II Certified
Identifies organizational controls that secure your data & the privacy of your clients.
PCI DSS certification
Safeguards credit/debit card data during the payment process.
FERPA readiness
Protects the privacy of student records maintained by an educational institution.
HIPAA readiness
Protects the processing of your patients’ private health information.
CCPA compliant
Enhances the protection and privacy of personal data for California residents.
Trusted solution like AdobeSign.

Choose a better solution

Product overview

Get everything you need to quickly configure any document workflow. No need to pay for, set up, or manage multiple solutions.
4,5 / 5
airSlate rating
7,9 / 10
Ease of use
9,4 / 10
Customer service
$19per month
Available platforms: web, iOS, Android
Available support: tickets, live chat, phone, help center
Free trial: Full access to all features and documents for 30 days

From $19 per month with no limits on users

airSlate is one of the largest and top-rated document workflow automation platforms for businesses of any size and in any market sector. It’s a comprehensive solution for document generation, pre-population, eSigning, and sharing. It helps companies eliminate the hassles of manual work, automate paperwork-related processes, and speed up task completion. It also enables companies to embed payment systems into their contract management and invoicing workflows to collect payments on time. Users can streamline repetitive, time-consuming tasks without writing a single line of code with airSlate and its many no-code, ready-to-use Bots.
Because airSlate is a cloud-based platform, you can access it from any internet-connected device wherever you are and at any time. There’s no desktop version of the tool, but for those who need to work on their templates or revise completed forms, iOS and Android mobile applications are also available for download.
airSlate offers quick and easy-to-launch integrations with various popular business applications. Specifically, you can link the platform with messengers like Slack and Telegram and email services like Gmail and MS Outlook. You can also connect airSlate to Google Drive, Box, OneDrive and other cloud storage apps to auto-save your paperwork after it’s completed. airSlate also integrates with popular CRM and ERP systems, Google Calendar, Jira, and more. To get these integrations up and running, users simply need to install and configure the corresponding no-code Bot.
airSlate provides an enterprise level of data security. It complies with major data protection certifications, such as SOC 2 Type II, CCPA, PCI DSS, 21 Cerf Part 11, HIPAA, GDPR, FERPA, ESING, and UETA.
Users in need of support can explore airSlate Academy courses, the Help Center and its many guides, and can reach the airSlate support team via tickets and live chat.
Adobe Sign
Competitor rating
Ease of use
Customer service
$12.99per month
Available platforms: web, iOS, Android
Available support: tickets, live chat, phone, help center
Free trial: Free 7-day trial for select plans

Adobe Sign has individual and team plans. Individual plans start at $12.99/month, while plans for teams start at $14.99/month with a license.

Adobe Sign is a cloud-based software designed to track, send, and manage document processes. Its functionality primarily focuses on the secure signing of documents and collaboration across departments. As a part of the Adobe Document Cloud suite, users can modify and adjust their documents without having to look for a third-party solution. Adobe Sign provides users with a list of features available both via smartphone and browser. The software is appropriate for a company of any size and in any industry.
Adobe Sign is available as a web-based platform and a local option for Windows and Linux. Users also can easily access their documents via the Adobe Sign app for iOS or Android.
Adobe Sign offers a range of integrations to store, process, and share documents quickly and securely. It allows users to integrate Adobe Sign with popular productivity platforms (CLMs, CPQs, CRMs). Users can integrate their daily tasks completed via apps including Microsoft 365, Teams, Salesforce, Notarize, and many more.
Adobe Sign follows industry-leading standards of security and compliance. The platform has acquired ISO 27001, SOC 2 Type 2, and PCI DSS certifications. In addition, it is compliant with BAA and HIPAA standards. All information processed or stored is protected with encryption and additional security measures.
Adobe Sign provides users with the opportunity to learn more about the product from FAQs, a forum, and a knowledge base. Users with outstanding questions can contact the Support Team via tickets and live chat. Support is available 24/7.

Automate document workflows with an all‑in‑one solution

Explore the comprehensive features of WorkFlow to effortlessly automate processes
Robotic process automation
Configure no-code airSlate Bots in minutes to pre-fill or extract data, integrate into a single or multiple systems of record, automate routing and decisions, or set up reminders, and notifications. Any repetitive task can be done by an existing Bot, or we can build a new one.
Document generation
The most powerful document generation engine with text tags, fillable fields, e-signature and roles built in, with the ability to connect to multiple data sources simultaneously without writing a single line of code.
Accept payments
Connect to a payment gateway and accept credit cards, ACH or other forms of payment. Use no-code airSlate Bots to quickly integrate payment collection into contract negotiation, quote-creation, invoicing or accounting.
Workflow automation
Automate routing, approvals, data collection, reporting and other workflows using no-code airSlate Bots. Configure and deploy them in minutes, no API, coding or complicated standards to learn.
Contract negotiations
Pre-fill, generate from templates, comment, redline, track changes, approve and e-sign contracts in a single, integrated no-code business automation platform.
Built-in e-signing
Use airSlate’s enterprise-grade e-signature to set up any multi-signature role-based workflow.
Mobile-first web forms
Use airSlate’s drag-drop wizard to create powerful, interactive, mobile-native web forms.
Contract management
Generate quotes, contracts, orders, and invoices while receiving payments and tracking contract execution. Automate every step of the sales and procurement process by integrating with a single platform.
Advanced analytics
Custom analytics are as easy to set up as our no-code airSlate Bots. Create graphs and reports based on any field in a document, data value, or activity in your workspace.

Questions & answers

Here is a list of the most common customer questions. If you can’t find an answer to your question, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

8 Good Reasons to Choose airSlate over AdobeSign

There are lots of document management resources a business can choose from, AdobeSign included. Each of the solutions has its own approach to document flow optimization and the needs of its customers. Naturally, the best way to pinpoint the option that might be “the one” will take time, because it is best learned practically.

Even when the choice is merely between airSlate and AdobeSign, the competition will be tough. To select the best service, go for the one that needs less time for onboarding and includes all the features for sleek work in a single system. The airSlate vs. AdobeSign might appear to be a tie, so pay attention to the number of characteristics the companies offer and how they can be integrated into your existing workflows.

With airSlate, you get all of the essential documentation administration resources in a single comprehensive solution. Every part of this solution might be personalized to match your business needs, so switching between various document instruments is going to be history once you switch to the right software.

So, how exactly does airSlate win over AdobeSign?

  1. Despite the service’s intricacy, airSlate does not need any specific skills or training to master its features.
  2. All instruments for creating, collaborating, sending and getting the document eSigned are at your fingertips in a single tab.
  3. Multiple interactive educational courses will help you use all offered instruments more efficiently for your enterprise.
  4. You can speed up processes with airSlate Bots with no coding or third-party expertise involved.
  5. With airSlate, you can choose from a large number of pre-designed Workflow templates and introduce them to your projects immediately.
  6. Together with workflow automation, document builder, and eSignature service, you get access to an extensive library of forms and document templates for any situation.
  7. There is no need to commit to airSlate financially before you try out all its benefits on your own.
  8. It is compatible and easy to integrate with many other services, including Google Suite, CRMs, and databases.