Archive to Universe Bot
This integration is still in development and will be added as soon as possible. Contact us for more status updates.
Meanwhile, you can automate your workflows using 100+ no-code bots currently available in airSlate.AirSlate is an alternative platform that connects people and their company processes via RPA and DPA methods
Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes with the Archive to Universe Bot. No coding required.
Install Archive to Universe Bot to automate your workflow
How to use the Archive to Universe Bot
Using airSlate, you may create unique, clear workflows to assist your teams handle crucial processes in a single integrated and protected Workspace. Our advanced no-code tools, just like the Archive to Universe Bot, will assist you to be far more useful and prevent errors when working remotely.Bot universe.
Follow this unique instruction guide to set up document process automation in your own business and have more from the things you currently accomplish:
- 1. Create an airSlate account, log in, and launch a new Workspace. Bot universe.
- 2. Produce a Flow and create a new file.
- 3. Press the Bots icon to find the Archive to Universe Bot.
- 4. Set circumstances (when it’ll be triggered) and map areas. Universe bot.
- 5. Add triggers, advanced settings, and connect with an external database if needed.
- 6. Finish by tapping Apply setup. Universe bot.
Configure the Archive to Universe Bot and profit from advanced business process automation (BPA) .Bot universe. Get the most out of your time and work from a single secure Workspace.
Other Bots often used with the Archive to Universe Bot
How to create and put into action Archive to Universe Bot into the workflow
- Sign in to your accounts. Should you don't have one but, create an account one.
- Start off configuring your Movement or make a new one.
- Visit the Bots section and select the Archive to Universe Bot through the dropdown checklist.
- Map out job areas and tailor the settings to your goals.
- Determine rendering circumstances to specify when you want the Bot to do something.
- Make the most of Sophisticated settings to protect certain specifications without the need of implementing more equipment and alternatives.
- Click Use installation and go to the exam manage.
- Build a Flow and distribute your Movement.