Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes. No coding required.
Try pre-built workflows to experience the Export to Google Sheets Bot in action
Export to Google Sheet Bot
airSlate automation Bots allow you to export form data to Google Sheets in a few clicks. Data transfer processes that used to take hours now take minutes. Simply set up the Bot, select the spreadsheet you’d like to transfer data to, match document fields with spreadsheet columns and cells, and hit the Apply Setup button. Once your document has been completed with the required information, it will be transferred to the selected spreadsheet.
When you automatically export form data to spreadsheets, the following benefits accompany your workflow:
- Hours saved on copying and pasting information
- Minimal chance of critical business errors
- Improved workflow efficiency
- Increased productivity
There are a range of methods you can use to customize Bot automation and perform data transfers at a time that’s most suitable for you.
Let’s say you need to send form data to google spreadsheets after a survey has been completed.
To do so, simply go to the Bot setup, select your preferred date, and set when the Bot will act.
Once finished, the information from the form will be automatically moved to the spreadsheet you specified on the date you’ve selected.
The Bot setup takes no longer than ten minutes and the savings it delivers to your company, in terms of time and monetary value, will compound over time.