Delete workflow instance

Delete workflow instance

Enhance your efficiency by maintaining your processes in order. Instantly eliminate redundant files with the Delete workflow function.
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Developed by
airSlate Inc.
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Setup duration 5-10 min.
What the Delete workflow instance does
The Bot removes completed Flows based on the ‘if-this-then-that’ conditions you’ve set.
When to use the Delete workflow instance
Install and configure the Bot to automatically remove unnecessary Flows and the documents associated with them.
Export Custom Values to Delete workflow instance

Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes. No coding required.

Configure Bot settings
First, define how and when the documents will be deleted. Set up a delay or select the exact date and time when the documents will be removed.
Note: To install and configure Bots, start by creating a workflow.
Add conditions for when the Bot should run
Define what will trigger the Bot to act. These can be a specific date, document data, user roles, email, or name. E.g., select a specific field in the document and tell the Bot to remove the document if this field hasn't been filled out.
Get your documents deleted in seconds
Once the Bot is configured, share your document with anyone who needs to sign and complete it. Based on the conditions you’ve set, the document will be removed.
Delete workflow instance

Install the Delete workflow instance to automate your document workflows

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The Delete workflow instance

Following the easy instructions in airSlate you’ll be able to delete a document from a workspace and receive the following benefits:

  • Keep your files organized
  • Automatically remove old documents
  • Create a smooth workflow

With just two easy steps you will be able to remove a document from a workflow. It’s a useful thing in combination with export Bots. Save the information in spreadsheets or other services (such as Salesforce, Dropbox, etc) and withdraw source files. You’ll always have access to your files quickly without wasting your time on slow searches.

If you don’t like the idea of automatically deleting Flows, don’t worry. When configuring the Bot, simply set the time frame you feel comfortable with. For example, set the Bot to delete a Flow 30 minutes after completion to a year after completion. You are in control.

Set up automatic operations in three simple steps

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Personalize general options
Determine exactly what your Delete workflow instance should do. Fill out all the required fields to assure the correct completion of operations. Note: the ability to pick Bots is enabled after starting a new Flow and uploading at least one file.
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Indicate Bot activation situations
Figure out scenarios for when your Bot have to activate. Set up rules and connect activation circumstances with actions in files and schedules, or user credentials.
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Fill out Advanced settings
Utilize this part to choose additional configuration and simplify the finding of real information like block alterations if something goes wrong, etc., or keep the default parameters.