Delete Tags Bot

Delete Tags Bot

Ensure clarity for all your document processes and maintain organization by automatically eliminating tags from Flows.
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Developed by
airSlate Inc.
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Setup duration 7-13 min.
What the Delete Tags Bot does
The Bot removes tags assigned to a Flow based on the ‘if-this-then-that’ conditions you’ve set.
When to use the Delete Tags Bot
Install and configure the Bot to streamline the tag management of your invoices, sales orders, or contracts.
Export Custom Values to Delete Tags Bot

Get your automated workflows up and running in minutes. No coding required.

Configure Bot settings and conditions for when the Bot should run
First, select the tag you want to remove from Flow. Then, define what will trigger the Bot to act. These can be a specific date, document data, user roles, email, or name. E.g., tell the Bot to remove tags after a number of revisions have been made to the document.
Note: To install and configure Bots, start by creating a workflow.
Get your tags automatically removed
Once the Bot is configured, share your document with anyone who needs to sign and complete it. Specific tags will be removed according to the configurations you’ve set.
Delete Tags Bot

Install the Delete Tags Bot to automate your document workflows

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Check out how to remove tags and how automation can streamline your internal Flow

DPA software automates processes with the help of Bots. Each Bot is different and performs unique tasks meant to reduce the amount of mundane labor spent on daily routine processes. The Bot for Remove Tags has been designed primarily for your outdated unuseful documents. Tags are employed to streamline searching processes and help users find documents promptly. They are crucial when you’re handling multiple files. However, when a Flow becomes outdated and irrelevant for further use, it’s important to remove tags. This is because when searching for similar documents of other Flows, you might get redirected to the wrong Flows. The relevant Bot will save you time that would otherwise be spent on manual removing the old tags. Devote 5 minutes to configuring the Bot and avoid those loose ends that tie you up at work.

The use of automation software leads to key business advantages:

  • Operational stability
  • Zero human-made errors
  • Cost-reduction
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Time-saving effect

Bots make document workflow fast, safe and compliant. Nearly every department that handles documents will face prompt and vivid improvements by using end-to-end microprograms, including the mentioned above Bot for Remove Tags.

Configure automated operations in a few simple actions

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Personalize general settings
Determine exactly what your Delete Tags Bot should do. Complete all the required fields to ensure the proper finishing of tasks. Take note: the ability to select Bots is enabled after starting a new Flow and importing at least one document.
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Choose Bot activation conditions
Identify scenarios for when your Bot need to initialize. Set up rules and connect activation conditions with activities in files and schedules, or user credentials.
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Fill out Advanced settings
Use this part to choose more settings and streamline the discovering of information like block alterations if something fails, etc., or keep the standard parameters.