
Flow chart vs process map education program for institutions

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1058 students
1 hour
You ought to get experience how to build automation workflow process because of their major worth in expanding your business nowadays. Build new workflows to understand the distinction between filling out tedious jobs by individuals vs airSlate Bots.
Flow chart vs process map education program  for institutions

About flow chart vs process map education program for institutions

This training program aims to familiarize you with workspace automation techniques and their importance in streamlining business efficiency. It provides a better understanding of RPA principles and gives a guide if their implementation through airSlate.

What does this program cover?

The flow chart vs process map education program for Institutions explains the general ideas behind robotic process automation and shows how it can be used in different business situations. It has detailed guides for creating flows and setting up Bots quickly and easily based on a specific use case.

Who can apply for the flow chart vs process map education program for Institutions?

Managers and regular employees who must accomplish multiple tasks manually on a daily basis can enroll for free. They will find it quite useful for automating their workflows and enhancing their overall performance. It makes no difference what level of technical expertise the applicants have.

Why was this course made?

We’ve created the flow chart vs process map education program for Institutions to enable specialists to explore the best RPA techniques and show them the easiest way to streamline their business processes with minimal time and effort.

What does flow chart vs process map education program for Institutions studying include?

The theoretical section of this training program explains how to handle data within the platform, create Bots, and examine workflows, which is followed by a quiz and practical exercises.

What will you learn with the flow chart vs process map education program for Institutions

  • RPA basics
  • Ways how to streamline document workflows
  • How workflows benefit from automation
  • Advice for using airSlate effectively
  • Where and how to monitor progress

What our students say


Review from Capterra platform

The different courses are well defined, easily searchable, and the titles are useful. The content can get a bit long, and theoretical from time to time but mostly they try to keep it to bite-sized chunks with small quizzes to help you retain what you just read.


Review from YouTube

I’ve taken 20 airSlate Academy courses. These courses helped me create a workflow and generate business. The biggest skill I’ve learned is how to integrate data from other platforms into my workflow.


Review from G2 platform

airSlate Academy offers free courses in business process and workflow automation innovatively. The courses are well-researched and presented. Easily understood by a noncore IT audience.

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Yes, you can sign up for a free plan to subscribe. You'll have 30 days to try out airSlate and learn how to use our solution firsthand. You can change to a paid plan whenever you want. To understand how airSlate works, visit our YouTube channel featuring multiple webinars, tutorials, and use cases.

By using airSlate’s RPA technologies, you can easily streamline your document-based processes with minimal human input. Generate documents from scratch, collect electronic signatures and data from other parties, invoice and request payments, and route data within your company’s CRMs and apps.

No programming languages are required for our solution. It is one of airSlate's most significant competitive advantages. While configuring some of our products may take some time, no coding is required.

We're sorry, but we don't have any classes in other languages. The interface, resources, and learning materials for airSlate are all in English. If you would like to see a product that is localized in the future, please let our support team know.

We hope that you will continue to progress in your studies. The airSlate Academy will issue a certificate to students who successfully finish any of their courses. Working in your current position or advancing your career are both possible outcomes of earning this degree.

Each course focuses on a different aspect of airSlate's capabilities. They might last from 30 minutes to an hour. In-depth certification classes can run up to four hours and cover a wide range of topics. Consider the amount of time it will take to perform the tasks.

Despite the fact that these technologies share many similarities, they are not identical. Predicting the future and learning from its mistakes are the primary goals of artificial intelligence (AI). RPA, on the other hand, is limited to following pre-programmed logic and cannot function in the absence of human intervention.

For airSlate, you don't have to create an account. Start by signing up for an airSlate Academy account. Create an account on our site for free if you want to learn more about automation.

Bots are computer programs that are set up to do certain tasks based on rules and logic that have already been set up. You may use airSlate Bots to transfer data across documents and apps, send reminders and automated notifications, create and update CRM entries based on the data collected, and much more.

In one platform, our no-code solution incorporates eSignature, document generation, RPA Bots, contract negotiation tools, and more. We take a comprehensive approach to automating your document-based activities. Read our customer stories to see how our functionality benefits various businesses.