How to Add a Signature to PDF (and Send it Out for Signature)

Discover the power of pdfFiller with this tutorial on eSigning and sending PDF documents effortlessly! Explore the seamless process of sending documents for signature to others, with features like fillable fields and signer management. The video also covers advanced options, including adding multiple recipients, CC'd recipients, and setting up post-signing actions. Unlock the potential of pdfFiller for efficient document management and simplify your signature collection process today!
How to Add a Signature to PDF (and Send it Out for Signature)
About pdfFiller

pdfFiller is a secure and compliant document solution that helps professionals create entirely paperless workflows with ease.

  • Free 30-day trial. Discover powerful PDF functionality with no obligations and cancel anytime.
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  • Integrations, add-ons, and extensions. Enhance your application, browser, or cloud environment with advanced PDF editing.

With pdfFiller, you can quickly eSign and send PDF documents for signature.

Open your document in the editor.

Click Sign in the top toolbar. Then, create your electronic signature by typing, drawing, or uploading an image of your handwritten signature. Customize it using different fonts.

Once finished, place your signature on a document.

Adjust its size and confirm your changes by clicking OK.

pdfFiller makes it easy to type your name on a PDF and add a date.

Now, let’s send a document for signature to someone else.

Add fillable fields to make document completion effortless and intuitive.

Then, click the arrow next to the Done button and select E-sign.

Enter a recipient email address to assign fillable fields.

You can return to the signer management menu at any time.

Now, when your document is ready, let’s send it out. Click the More button and select E-sign. Choose Another signer in the pop-up.

Then, specify or double-check your recipient’s email address.

You can always add more recipients if you need to collect signatures from multiple individuals.

Additionally, pdfFiller allows you to add CC’d recipients, set up actions upon document completion, and specify a URL to redirect signers to after submitting a document.

To send a document, click Send invite.

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