How to Add Fillable Fields to PDF

This video guide walks you through the simple steps of adding fillable fields to your document, customizing labels, and ensuring clarity and comprehensibility. Discover the convenience of dropdown fields and radio buttons for providing multiple reply options and streamlining form completion. With pdfFiller's drag-and-drop interface, precise field placement is guaranteed across the entire document.
How to Add Fillable Fields to PDF
About pdfFiller

pdfFiller is a secure and compliant document solution that helps professionals create entirely paperless workflows with ease.

  • Free 30-day trial. Discover powerful PDF functionality with no obligations and cancel anytime.
  • Quick to start. Register your account and start working on PDFs in minutes on any device.
  • Integrations, add-ons, and extensions. Enhance your application, browser, or cloud environment with advanced PDF editing.

With pdfFiller, you can turn static PDF documents into interactive fillable forms in minutes.

Open a document in the editor. Then, drag and drop various fillable fields from the sidebar.

Customize field labels and make sure they are clear and concise.

Prevent recipients from overlooking important fields by making them required.

You can proceed to advanced field settings, but let’s focus on dropdown fields for now.

pdfFiller allows you to provide recipients with multiple reply options and make form completion fast and intuitive.

Radio buttons offer another convenient way for users to answer multiple-choice questions. Once created, you can easily adjust their position on a document.

With its drag-and-drop interface, pdfFiller ensures quick and accurate field placement across your entire document.

After you’ve added fields, review their order in the document and rearrange if necessary.

Click Preview to see how your PDF form appears to recipients.

You can click around and try completing various fields in test mode to ensure everything works perfectly.

Once the form is ready to go, save it and return to the dashboard.

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